At Protera Health, we are here for you

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to put my information online?
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Protera Health has gone through extensive security measures and complied with the HIPAA guidelines to protect your health data. We use the information you provide to help guide you to personalized scores and tailored resources. We will not share your personal information with any vendors or third parties for solicitation.

What are PROMs?
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PROMs stands for Patient Reported Outcome Measures. Historically doctors wrote in their notes how they felt their patients were doing. However, science has made it clear that the best way to understand how a patient is truly doing is by simply asking them. PROMs are scores that have been tested and proven to truly measure how patients are truly doing. By partnering with Protera Health, patients can rest assured that not only are these important tools collected but that they are also used in helping formulate unique treatment plans designed to help patients get better health in the safest (and fastest!) way possible.

What is the science behind Protera Health?
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Good things happen when the patient's voice is truly heard by his/her healthcare team. Not only are health outcomes better, but patients have a better healthcare experience and are less likely to undergo invasive procedures and surgeries that have low likelihood of success. The best way for a patient's voice to be heard is by understanding their physical, emotional, and pain health conditions. This is done by using special tools called PROMs, or Patient Reported Outcome Measures.

Why do I need to answer questions about my health?
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Studies have shown that the best way to help ensure patients are improving with their treatments are by using thoughtful, evidence-backed questions. We provide you with these questions so that the information you give about yourself can help you understand how you are doing, and how to continue best on your journey to better health.

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